Software is the non-physical component, which is the also the instructions given to the computer system. The user gives instructions through the hardware.
The organogram shows the classification of software. Every computer system users (whether programmers or non-programmers) must have come in contact with one Operating System (OS) or the other, probably having the knowledge of how it functions and what it does; OS determines the mode of operation of the system - how system will function, the interface and the layout.
Translator on the other hand, is based on programmer's level of knowledge (Programmers are those who were believe to have better understanding of how computer work in line with the language that computer system understand).
The fact is that computer processor doesn't understand the data the user imputed, the data must first be converted to the language which the computer system understand i.e. machine language or binary no. [1 & 0]
Compiler convert high level language code to machine language once while the interpreter convert it line by line.
NOTE: This section may be too complex for computer basics students to explore, it is programming knowledge, sometimes in the future we will provide you with the course that tackle this aspect.
Application software are referred as those softwares used for general purpose in whatever area of specialisation like medicine, education, banking, military, governance, marketing, music, entertainment, agriculture, etc.
These will be explored more in our subsequent lessons.
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