COMPUTER: The silicon age approach to life [scope intro]

by 8:24 AM 0 comments

If you are conversant with the history of humanity, you will be familiar with the ages of humanity & the cosmos. The likes of Ice Age, Stone Age, Wood Age, Iron Age...  and so on and so forth.

Dichotomising this topic, we have the term "silicon age". Silicon as an element in chemistry stand out for it properties associated with "computing" - the properties of conductivity, storage and the likes. Though silicon is not the only element associated with these properties, but it rather one of the most important. That is the reason why it is used in many electrical and electronic gadgets/devices including computer and componential devices.

That is why the age we find ourselves in the timeline of ages is referred to as as "The Silicon Age" (also called the Information Age).

It is an undeniable fact that computer as affected all other spheres of life and system - the political, the religious/spiritual, the health, the military/defence, the scientific/technological, the education/research, economy, social...  we could mention & mention, anything you could think of, you will surely see the influence of computer in such system.

We will end this intro by listing out the breakdown of course scope 1. 

  • Introduction to Computer
  • Data & Information
  • Computer System (organogram)
  • The Hardware
  • The Software
  • The User ware
  • The Software (re-visited)
  • Software Additionability
  • Interlude 1
  • Interlude 2
  • Level of complexity
  • Classification according to use/applicability/functionality
  • Software distribution 


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