Hardware is the physical component (associated with seeing & touch) which is used (by the user) to give instructions/data to the system through the (input devices) by interacting with the system, means by which the system process the given instructions or keep relevant data for future use, it is also means by which computer system communicate with one another and the medium which the user assess, view the stored information (data) which is displayed through the output devices and finally entailed the sources of energy powering the system.
[peda.net, definition 1] - Physical parts or intangible parts of a computer, e.g. input devices, output devices, central processing unit and storage devices;
[peda.net, definition 2] Physical, tangible computer components equipment and devices, which provides support for major functions such as input, processing (internal storage, computation & control), output, secondary storage (for data and programs) and communication.
The components of computer hardware
This is categorised by the functions [especially the popular 4 - input, output, processor (CPU) & storage] but by our research at Conquest Technologies, we added these two other functions which are [communication & power]
Hardware as physical component of the system is associated with most of the sense organs and the interactivity with the physical world.
It serves as the interface which the user assess the software.
Some hardware perform input functions like
Listening/hearing (audio/sound)-MICROPHONE
Keying (characters)-BOTTON, KEYBOARD, GAME PAD,...
Seeing/scanning (imagery/characters)-CAMERA, SCANNER, *READERS,...
Pointing/Control (cursors)-MOUSE, ACCELEROMETER, JOYSTICKS,...
Navigational control (directions/movement)-KEYBOARD, MOUSE,...
some hardware perform the output functions
Printing (imagery/text)-PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS,...
Voicing/sounding (audio)-LOUD SPEAKERS, EARPHONES,...
Some perform storage functions.
Hard disc, flash disc, CD/DVD, floppy disk/diskette, memory card, cassette, *cloud
The processing functions
The processor (also known as CPU) is referred to as the brain of the computer system, it connects every other part of the device together with the aid of the communication devices. It comprises the motherboard.
The communication functions
Hardware used for transmission data, instructions and information between a sending and receiving device.
There is a need for transmission of data among devices/system. This can be done with the aid of communication devices which may either be through wired network (port & cable of different sizes/mouth eg VGA, DVI, HDMI, PSI2, ethernet, audio, USB, thunderbolt/USB-C, display cord) or wireless network (infrared, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, hotspots, phone network [2g, 3g, 4g]... radio,...).
Connection may short or long range.
Do you know that Nikolai Tesla propounded that electricity would be transmitted via wireless network in the nearest future.
The power functions
Power bank, UPS, power cable, battery,...
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